All Wednesday Night Activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

(This includes Men's and Women's Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Truth Trackers)

May 24, 2020

James 1:19-25 | Dr. Stephen Conley

Preacher: Pastor Stephen Series: James: A Faith That Works Topic: Faith, Faithfulness, Works Scripture: James 1:19–25

Faith that Hears and Obeys God’s Word

1.       Listen to the Word Openly (vs. 19-20)

  • Be quick to hear – “I am eager to listen.”
  • Be slow to speak – “I will not make excuses.”
  • Be slow to anger: “I will not justify my disobedience.”

2.       Receive the Word Humbly (vs. 21)

  • Receiving the Word requires putting our sin away.
  • Receiving the Word involves accepting it with meekness and realizing its ability to save our soul.

3.       Obey the Word Persistently (vs. 22-25)

  • A Hearer and a Doer start out the same way but end up in two different places.
  • A Doer of the Word has a heart that has been changed by the Word
  • Josiah and Jehoiakim: A Challenging Lesson in Responding to God’s Word (2 Kings 22:8-12; Jeremiah 36:1-3, 20-24)

other sermons in this series

Nov 1


James 5:19-20 | Dr. Stephen Conley

Preacher: Pastor Stephen Scripture: James 5:19–20 Series: James: A Faith That Works

Oct 26


Oct 19