Raintree DNA: Pursuing Christ-Exalting Community | Dr. Stephen Conley
Preacher: Pastor Stephen Series: Raintree DNA Topic: DNA
Love One Another Genuinely (verses 9-10a)
- We are called to love without hypocrisy
- We are called to love with affection
Honor One Another Faithfully (verse 10b)
- We are called to outdo one another in showing honor
Serve One Another Generously (verses 11-13)
- We are called to serve passionately with joy and patience
- We are called to serve in prayer
- We are called to serve in giving to others’ needs
- We are called to serve with hospitality
Understand One Another Appropriately (verses 14-15)
- We are called to bless those who persecute us
- We are called to empathize with one another in joy and sorrow
Dwell with One Another Peaceably and Humbly (verses 16-18)
- We are called to live in harmony with one another
- We are called to live in humility with one another
other sermons in this series
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Contribute: Serving Christ Together
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Philippians 1:3–11, Philippians 1:27–30, Romans 15:1–7, Romans 12:3–8 Series: Raintree DNA
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Connect: Growing in Christ Together
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Come: Worshipping Christ Together
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