The God of Deliverance
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Psalms Topic: Trusting God Scripture: Psalm 27:1–14
Text: Psalm 27
A Steady Trust in God Alone (27:1-3)
- We can have confidence in God’s presence as our Light
- We can have confidence in God’s ability to save.
- Therefore, we can be confident in the face of fear and doubt.
A Single-minded Worship of God Alone (27:4-10)
- We must desire God above all things (attitude).
- We must seek God above all things (action).
- When we belong to God, we find in Him all we ever need.
A Settled Waiting for God (27:11-14)
- We need to look to God’s instruction as we trust in His promises.
- We can expect God to give us courage and strength as we wait upon Him.
other sermons in this series
Aug 28
The God Who is Good
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Psalm 100:1–5 Series: Psalms
Aug 21
The God Who Satisfies
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Aug 14
In God We Trust
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Psalm 56:1–13 Series: Psalms