December 25, 2022

Jesus, the Word Made Flesh (Part 1)

Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Advent 2022: Jesus Our Savior Topic: Advent Scripture: John 1:1–9

Text: John 1:1-9

The Identity of Jesus Unveiled (John 1:1-5)

  • Jesus is God's living, active, and final Word in demonstrating who He is in both creating us and saving us.
  • Jesus is the true Light coming into the world, piercing the darkness.

The Witness of Jesus Portrayed (John 1:6-9)
  • Like hundreds of links in a chain, John the Baptist was one of many whose purpose was to point people to Jesus and the promise to rescue His people.

other sermons in this series

Jan 1


Dec 18


Jesus and the Wise Men

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12, Micah 5:2–5 Series: Advent 2022: Jesus Our Savior

Dec 4


Jesus and His Birth

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Matthew 1:18–25 Series: Advent 2022: Jesus Our Savior