Word-Centered Worship
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Colossians Topic: Worship Scripture: Colossians 3:15–17
Text: Colossians 3:15-17
Our Hearts Must be Gratefully Governed by the Peace of Christ. (3:15)
- The peace of Christ comes to us through the blood of Christ which reconciled us to God.
- We are called to rest in the peace of Christ to rule every moment of our lives and build unity within the church.
Our Hearts Must be Gratefully Filled by the Word of Christ. (3:16)
- We must let the Gospel of Christ occupy the residence in our hearts in abundance
- We are called to express our belief in Christ and unity in Christ through corporate worship.
Our Hearts Must be Gratefully Devoted to the Name of Christ. (3:17)
- All we do and say must be for the glory of Christ
- All we do and say must be carried out with thankfulness to Christ.
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Service
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Nov 17
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Witness
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Nov 10
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Prayers
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