All Wednesday Night Activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

(This includes Men's and Women's Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Truth Trackers)

January 19, 2025

An Overview of Genesis

Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Genesis Topic: Creation Scripture: Genesis 1:1

Text:  Genesis 1:1

Introduction: Why Study Genesis?

  • It sets the foundation for the rest of the Bible.
  • It gives us the purpose of God for mankind.
  • It describes the origin and effects of sin.
  • It anticipates God’s answer to our problem of sin, a seed coming through the line of Abraham.
  • It describes the origin of the nation of Israel and the Promised Land.
  • It reveals the character of God to us.

The Historical Background of Genesis

  • Genesis is a book of beginnings, and the first of the five books of the Pentateuch.
  • Genesis was penned by Moses while the children of Israel were in the wilderness.

The Thematic Structure of Genesis

  • Genesis 1-11 sets the foundation in broad terms of how the world was made and the fall of man. (wide angle lens)
  • Genesis 12-50 focuses on the family of Abraham and how God’s promise will be fulfilled to send redemption to His people. (zoom lens)

The Creator God of Genesis (Genesis 1:)

  • Our God is the mighty and everlasting Creator and Sustainer of all things, and we are accountable to Him as His creation.
  • Our response to God should be one of worship and submission, where He is exalted.

other sermons in this series

Feb 16


God's Design in Creating Us: Part 1

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Genesis 2:4–17 Series: Genesis

Feb 9


Divine Rest

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Genesis 2:1–3, Hebrews 3:7– 4:13, Matthew 11:27–30 Series: Genesis

Feb 2


Made in God's Image

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Genesis 1:26–31 Series: Genesis