Our Mission Statement
We exist to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We want to guide people to a Christ-centered identity and influence.
Our Identity
Worshipping God is about an internal attitude before it is an external activity. When you are genuinely worshipping God it leads to hearts being transformed by God and faithful Gospel proclamation. As we worship God, we want to see others come to know Him and worship Him!
We hope you’ll visit us on a Sunday morning at 10:30 am! We believe the Holy Spirit transforms lives through the living and active Word of God. We are praying that this will be the reality for every person who comes to Raintree.
We also would love for you to come to one of our Sunday School Groups. Each group meets from 9:00-10:00 am. It is a time of equipping and fellowship around God’s Word. We have Adult Bible Studies as well as Children and Student Ministry classes.
Once we belong to Christ, we are rooted in the new life that Christ has given us. We are then equipped in Christ together for Gospel growth and Gospel ministry.
We want you to start and build on authentic relationships with others who are here. The majority of our church body stays and fellowships with each other after the worship service. Join in our conversations as we seek to get to know you and build one another up in Christ!
We encourage you to connect with one of our Community Groups as well as our men's and ladies' Bible studies.
At Raintree, all covenant members serve in a Gospel-centered partnership, a Gospel-centered culture, and through Gospel-centered gifting. We are saved into this partnership through Christ and it manifests itself in a life that is worthy of the Gospel, striving side by side together. We are called to a unity and harmony by Christ that welcomes one another as Christ has welcomed us! We are equipped to serve one another by the grace that saved us in Christ to the building up of the body of Christ.
We are not necessarily aiming to be a “come and see” type of church, but instead a “come and be equipped to go” type of church. Our goal is to see Christians grow into the likeness of Christ through His Word.
Our Core Values
1. Portraying a Gospel-Driven Focus
The Gospel is the glorious announcement of what God has done through the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ’s work on the cross has satisfied God’s holy wrath, secured forgiveness of sins, and given eternal life to all who repent and trust in Christ alone for their salvation. Therefore, the Gospel is not what God requires. The Gospel is what God provides. The Gospel is not about human action, it’s about divine achievement. The gospel is not a moralistic “Do.” The Gospel is a merciful “Done.” The Gospel isn’t good advice – it’s good news. At Raintree, we want the Gospel of Christ to inform and empower all that we do to the glory of God. As 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 declares, it is of first importance!
2. Practicing Word-Centered Worship
We believe that the primary tool that the Holy Spirit uses to change lives and hearts is the Word of God. We see God’s attributes in what He has made, but we come to know Him personally through what He has said! As Romans 10:17 declares, “Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ.” Because of this, we emphasize expository preaching, Christ-honoring worship, and Word-based small groups.
3. Pursuing Christ-Exalting Community
We are not necessarily aiming to be a “come and see” type of church, but instead a “come and be equipped to go” type of church. We want anyone to feel free to come as you are, but don’t expect to stay as you are. God’s Word is life-changing! Our goal is to see Christians grow into the likeness of Christ through His Word.
We want to come alongside parents as they shepherd their children in following Jesus. This is why we highly value children being part of our main worship gathering. Likewise, we want to see different generations of believers meeting together regularly. We want to provide opportunities to serve together, eat together, and be accountable together.
Our Covenant with Each Other
- The Gospel will be central in, and the reason for, everything we do.
- We will rely on God’s Word as our ultimate source for truth and Godliness.
- We will know the Father and nourish the life of Christ in us through Prayer.
- We will work and pray for Unity in the Holy Spirit.
- We will not give up Gathering and seeking Christ together.
- We will nurture our new life in Christ by Pursuing Godliness.
- We will care for one another by Rejoicing at each others’ happiness and Bearing each other’s burdens.
- We will keep each other accountable by Watching over each other, and lovingly Admonishing each other when needed.
- We will put others before ourselves through Service.
- We will support Jesus’ mission by cheerfully Giving to the ministry, the needy, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the earth.
- We will obey the Great Commission by Making Disciples.
- We will Develop Leaders who can teach, preach, lead, serve, and plant churches.
- We will have both short-term and long-term goals for Reaching the Nations.
- If Moving On from this place, we will unite with another church and carry out the principles of God’s Word.