April 4, 2021

Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord | Dr. Stephen Conley

Preacher: Pastor Stephen Series: Stand Alone Topic: Easter Scripture: John 20:1– 21:1

Text: John 20:1-31

The Powerful Witness of the Empty Tomb (20:1-10)

•       The empty tomb confirmed all that Jesus had predicted concerning His death, burial, and resurrection.

The Personal Encounters with the Risen Lord (20:11-29)

•       Jesus comforts Mary, the broken-hearted with His presence.

•       Jesus dispels His disciples’ fears and deploys them on His mission

•       Jesus draws out His disciples’ doubts and draws them to belief in His character

The Purposeful Aim of the Gospel Message (20:30-31)

  • Everything about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection was recorded so that we would believe it in our hearts.
  • Once we believe in Jesus, we possess eternal life in His name.

other sermons in this series

Jan 12


How to Respond to God's Word

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: James 1:19–25 Series: Stand Alone

Dec 29


Christ, the Warrior King

Preacher: Travis Thompson Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:1–58 Series: Stand Alone