Raintree Women’s Ministry
Romans 15:5-6
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Raintree Community Church Women's Bonfire
We are excited to gather for this wonderful night. It is a great opportunity to get to know others, reconnect, and worship the Lord.
- Saturday, October 19th, 6-8pm
- Food and drinks provided
- Shirley Brookens is hosting this event at her home, located in Pleasant Hill. Address and directions will be provided closer to the event date.
- Bring a camp chair if you have one!
- RSVP to the Women's Bonfire. Click HERE
Save the Date for future women’s events:
Sunday, December 8th, 2024 will be our Women’s Christmas Gathering. Watch for more information!
Weekly Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Studies are ongoing and you are welcome to jump in at any time! Or you click HERE to let us know you will be there or to get more information.
Sunday Morning Study
- Sundays, 9:00-10:00 am
- Meets in the Amazon Room, upstairs at church
- Led by Michele Close and Joy Lucht
- Current study: God of Freedom, Jen Wilkin study on Exodus 18-40
Tuesday Morning Study
- Tuesdays, 11:00am-1:00pm
- Meets at Patty Cason’s home in Lee’s Summit
- Led by Patty Cason
- Current study: Joshua: Every Good Promise Fulfilled
Wednesday Evening Study
- Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm
- Meets in the Amazon Room, upstairs at church
- Led by Lisa Israel and Brianna Wessley
- Current study: Ezra & Nehemiah
Raintree Mom’s Group
- Every other Friday morning, beginning September 13th.
- This group is for moms of children ages birth to 6th grade to gather for prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and encouragement in a busy season of mothering. Mentor moms are also a part of the group.
- Childcare is provided.
Watch for signup sheets in the church lobby or use the link below to sign up or get more information.
Click HERE for Bible Study and Groups information
Women’s Prayer Group
October and November groups
Friday Afternoon (Group 1)
- Friday at 1:30pm
- Will meet at Kim Fitzgerald's home
- The dates for this session are 10/4, 10/18 and 11/8
Saturday Morning (Group 2)
- Saturday at 8:30am
- Will meet at Karen Sims’s home
- The dates for this session are 10/12, 11/9 and 11/16