All Wednesday Night Activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

(This includes Men's and Women's Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Truth Trackers)

January 7, 2024

An Overview of Colossians

Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Colossians Topic: Book Overviews Scripture: Colossians 1:1–2

Text: Colossians 1:1-2


The Author of Colossians

  • The human author of this book is the Apostle Paul, who also penned 13 letters of the New Testament.
  • Paul was redeemed by God’s grace and became a missionary for the Gospel’s sake.


The Audience of Colossians

  • Paul wrote this letter to the church at Colossae from prison in Rome between A.D. 60-62, before his eventual martyrdom in A.D. 64.
  • Paul was confronting false teaching by pointing the Colossian church to hope in the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.


 The Aim of Colossians

  • The theology of Colossians centers on Christ’s supremacy and sufficiency as it is worked out within the believer’s life.
  • Paul set out to proclaim Christ so that we may become mature in Christ (Colossians 1:18, 28).

other sermons in this series

Nov 24


The Supremacy of Christ in Our Service

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:7–18 Series: Colossians

Nov 17


The Supremacy of Christ in Our Witness

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:5–6 Series: Colossians

Nov 10


The Supremacy of Christ in Our Prayers

Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:2–4 Series: Colossians