The Results of Reconciliation
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Colossians Topic: Reconciliation
Text: Colossians 1:21-23
What We Were Before Christ (1:21)
- The need for reconciliation: We were alienated, hostile in mind, doing evil deeds against God.
What We Become in Christ (1:22)
- The means of reconciliation: We become holy, blameless, and above reproach before God.
How We Live Because of Christ (1:23)
- The outcome of reconciliation: We continue by grace with steadfastness, holding onto the hope of the Gospel.
other sermons in this series
Nov 24
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Service
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:7–18 Series: Colossians
Nov 17
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Witness
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:5–6 Series: Colossians
Nov 10
The Supremacy of Christ in Our Prayers
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 4:2–4 Series: Colossians