A Christlike View of Ministry, Part 2
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Colossians Topic: Ministry Scripture: Colossians 1:28–29
Text: Colossians 1:28-29
Proclaim Christ’s Message Exclusively (1:28)
- The content and substance of our message is Christ alone.
- When Christ is proclaimed, the church will be warned of error and taught in wisdom.
- When Christ is proclaimed, the church will grow to maturity in Christ.
Depend on Christ’s Strength Fully (1:29)
- We work for the sake of Christ through the power of Christ.
- The power of Christ works mightily in us as we suffer for Christ, steward the Gospel, and proclaim His message.
other sermons in this series
May 26
Word-Centered Worship
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:15–17 Series: Colossians
May 19
Living Out the New Life in Christ
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:12–14 Series: Colossians
May 12
Living With a Warfare Mentality, Part 2
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:7–11 Series: Colossians