Complete in Christ
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Colossians Topic: Christ Scripture: Colossians 2:6–10
Text: Colossians 2:6-10
We are Established in Christ (2:6-7)
- We look to Christ as our Lord and Savior in salvation.
- We are given new life in Christ through His work.
- We rest on Christ as our foundation with thanksgiving.
We are Steadfast in Christ (2:8)
- We must resist the lies of false teaching and cling to the Truth.
- These lies are deceptive, man-centered, and enslaving.
We are Fulfilled in Christ (2:9-10)
- We have a new life in Christ that is complete and lacks nothing, for it flows from Christ and His infinite fullness.
other sermons in this series
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Word-Centered Worship
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:15–17 Series: Colossians
May 19
Living Out the New Life in Christ
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:12–14 Series: Colossians
May 12
Living With a Warfare Mentality, Part 2
Preacher: Stephen Conley Scripture: Colossians 3:7–11 Series: Colossians