All Wednesday Night Activities are canceled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

(This includes Men's and Women's Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Truth Trackers)

July 2, 2023

Dealing With Gospel Opponents, Part 2

Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Titus: Doctrine and Devotion Topic: Gospel Scripture: Titus 1:13–16

Text:  Titus 1:13-16

The Response to Gospel Opponents (Titus 1:13b-14)

  • Their teaching must be reproved, so they can repent.
  • Their teaching must be rejected, so it will not damage the church.

The Verdict on Gospel Opponents (Titus 1:15-16)

  • The internal evaluation of their hearts: Defiled minds and consciences
  • The external evaluation of their actions: Profession without practice

other sermons in this series