God's Instructions For Younger Women
Preacher: Stephen Conley Series: Titus: Doctrine and Devotion Topic: Biblical Womanhood Scripture: Titus 2:4–5
Text: Titus 2:4-5
Sound Doctrine Leads to Sound Training in Christlikeness (2:3-4a)
- God calls older women to a life-on-life discipleship that culminates in the sanctification of younger women.
Sound Doctrine Produces Sound Women With Christlike Character (2:4-5).
- God calls younger women to cultivate a love for their family.
- God calls younger women to guard their minds and desires.
- God calls younger women to pursue moral purity.
- God calls younger women to a labor of love within the home.
- God calls younger women to be virtuous living.
- God calls younger women to align themselves under their husband’s loving leadership.
- God’s Word will be honored as we pursue and practice sound doctrine.
other sermons in this series
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